Sunday, March 1, 2009


Part 1
Mother’s hand squeezes mine as we walk down the aisle, finding our seats. I’m bored and the wedding hasn’t even started.
“How long will this take?” I whine.
“Sit still son” growls my father.
“I’m SOOOO bored. When is this gonna start?”
“Soon” My mother assures me as she tousles my hair loving.
I think of all the great things I could be doing in this moment, all much more fun than this. I could be playing with trains or Legos or dinosaurs or with my puppy, Darth Vader. I am a beast of the open plains, I’m not meant to be confined like this. I just want to go play!
After hours of waiting, some guy starts playing the organ and people start walking down the aisle.
“Here we go” I think to myself. “We are finally going to get some action.”
So all these people file in and stand at the front of the church and every one seems happy. Then this guy named The Priest starts talking, all those happy people clearly had no idea what lay in store for them, because he was boring. Then Mr. Priest tells my cousin Petey, that he can now kiss the bride. I want to scream, “No Petey! Don’t do it!” It was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my entire life. It shocked and horrified me. Before, I thought that Petey was the coolest guy ever, when I saw him kiss a girl I realized that he was just a pansy. A dreadful day got worse.
After this, everyone gets up and, for some reason starts cheering. There were some twisted people at this wedding. Then everyone left the church and we all go to this big tent where they had tables set up, I got a seat right next to my mom. Then these guys start serving food. It’s something called lobster and it smells awful. Luckily they had some french frys.
It was the worst day of my life, the best part was the cake we got to eat, which was chocolaty and how I got to run around with some kids after.
Part 2
I can’t count the number of times I have vomited today. I take Pete’s hand in mine, he is just as nervous as I am. The guests have all filed in and are in their seats. Nothing has gone wrong yet. Pete hugs me, its time for every one to go get in position.
Daddy and I walk to the back of the church together. Daddy smiles at me and I know he knows how I’m feeling and he is telling me that everything will be ok, I sure hope so. I hear the organ start to play, its time. It feels like my lungs are made out of lead. I can’t go through with this. I force one foot in front of the other. I look over and I can see Pete’s young cousin and I realize why I'm doing all of this, for children.
We finally finish the never ending journey down the aisle and Pete takes my hands in his as Father O’ Franklin begins talking. I don’t hear much between “Dearly beloved” and “You may now kiss the bride” but I think I remember saying an “I do” in there somewhere. I hear everyone cheering as Pete and I run from the church.
Pete and I climb into the car waiting to take us to the farm where the tent in which the reception is taking place. We try and relax during the twenty-minute drive but we know that if we get through the speeches without something terrible happening it will be a miracle.
We get to the farm and its beautiful. Everyone sits down and is served without any serious incidents. Then the food is served and its delicious, the best lobster I have ever had. Miraculously we got through the entire night with out any problems more serious than the children eating too much of the chocolate cake and getting a bit wild. It was the best day of my life.

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